Hey I'm Retty George


An International student at The University of Texas University at Arlington, pursuing Master's degree in Computer Science. With 2+ years of experience as a Software Engineer and Data Engineer, I lead a team of 10 at TCS for a client, Common Wealth Wealth Bank of Australia. I was also part of the event planning team at TCS, organizing more than 40 events for the company's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Interested in pursuing my career in the IT field where I can demonstrate my knowledge, skills, and talent, and contribute to the organization's and my own growth.

  • Phone: +1(817) - 917 - 5337
  • Email: retty.george1@gmail.com


Master of Science in Computer Science

2022 - 2023

The University of Texas at Arlington, TX

Coursework: Data Mining, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Data Analysis and Modelling Techniques

Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science

2014 - 2018

Cochin University of Science and Technology,Kochi, Kerala, India



Python 80%
Java 60%
Scala 75%
Apache Oozie 60%
MySQL, SQLite 60%
JavaScript, React, Angular 70%
Hadoop 70%
Hive 60%
Spark 65%
Apache Kafka 50%
Cassandra 50%
html5, css 70%

Professional Experience

Data Engineer

Jan 2019 - Dec 2021

Tata Consultancy Services – Bangalore, India

  • Implementation of data pipelines and feature extraction using Spark ETL framework
  • Perform Unit testing on data pipelines
  • Oversee projects through SIT, deployment and post-production support
  • Remediation of legacy jobs to align with the new architectural pattern
  • Ad-hoc data analysis to understand the root cause of production incidents

Web Developer

August 2018 – Dec 2018

Sayone Technologies – Kochi, India

  • Develops software solutions by studying information needs; conferring with users; studying systems flow, data usage and work processes.
  • Analysis and design of databases and user interfaces
  • Determines operational feasibility by evaluating analysis, problem definition, requirements, solution development and proposed solutions
  • Engineering web development, all layers, from the database to services to user interfaces.



Pro Gesture Translator

The main objective of this project was to create a bridge between deaf and normal people in the world

American Sign Language (ASL) is the gesture language used and converted to text and speech


Result Analyzer and prediction system

The purpose of the project is to analyze a student's performance and predict their result, thereby understanding their shortcomings and estimating the efforts they will need to make over the next few years in order to achieve a specific percentage or GPA


ALT-i: Indoor positioning system

Developed a method to locate UWB tags using a set of anchors. Implement TDMA for improving system efficiency

Plotted the real time UWB tag location. Encrypted the UWB messages exchanged between anchors and tags


Third eye: Smart Rod

Developed efficient architecture for controlling micro-controller-based slots over Wi-Fi. Developed RS485 drivers.

Created custom patches for kernel, u-boot and bootstrap using Yocto and bitBake for SAMA5 processor.


Health Care Management System

Developed website using React JS,HTML and CSS to book doctor appointments online,track the availability of doctors and beds in hospitals

Patients and doctors can keep track of the medical history and can be shared with other people registered on the system.


Titanic Survival Prediction

An attempt to predict survivability chance of each passengers of titanic

There are still unanswered questions about the Titanic disaster. When these are yet to find, let’s try to predict the survival chances of each passenger using machine learning techniques

Link to Kaggle notebook Read More

Flower Image Classifier

Building an image classifier for the Kaggle Flower dataset

The goal is to build an image classifier for the Kaggle Flower dataset which contains 4242 flower images that belongs to five different categories daisy, dandelion, rose, sunflower and tulip

Link to Jupitor notebook Read More

Naive Bayes Classifier

News Category Dataset Classification using Naive Bayes Classifier — from Scratch

The goal is to build a text classifier for news category dataset using naive baye’s classifier.

Link to Kaggle notebook Read More

Final Project: Natural Image classifier

Image Classification using different classifiers.

The goal is to build a Image Classifier for the Kaggle Natural Images dataset into various classes like airplane, car, cat, dog, flower, fruit, motorbike and person

Link to Google Colab Read More

Awards and Achievments

Special Initiative award

Awarded Special Initiative award for performance and dedication and effectively leading a team of 10 members and successfully delivering the LoMo project within the timeline. Mentored and guided the new members of the team and provided knowledge transfer regarding project workflows.

Co-Founder of Ideator Coding Club at CUSAT

organized different hackathons and coding competitions within the college and also coordinated various programming workshops. Also, conducted weekly meetings and seminars on various topics and technologies in computer science and also arranged tech talks by various tech experts within the state

Coordinator of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at TCS

Organized different events, cultural fests and awareness programs with in tcs. Also, Conducted spoken English classes for orphans and security staff in the state



Arlington, Texas, USA


+1(817) - 917 - 5337s